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What we’re about

Fwdays — the Ukrainian team's largest tech IT events, which have been held since 2011.
We organize large-scale conferences, workshops, webinars, meetups online and offline in Europe. Our goal is to spread ideas and share experience, so we invite the best Ukrainian and international speakers in their field (authors of frameworks, core contributors, and prominent developers) and gather everyone interested in the topic of the event, e.g.: JavaScript, .NET, PHP, QA, Architecture, DevOps, etc.

Fwdays in numbers:
📌 11 years of organizing events
📌 101+ events organized
📌 72k+ participants visited
📌 268 speakers gave a talk
📌 21+ countries involved
📌 439+ hours of talks

We work passionately to make talks interesting, useful, and suitable for everyone, also think of the informal and entertaining part of the event and do our best to provide you with a great atmosphere.
It is essential for us to organize every event on a high level and to be useful to you.
Fwdays — the exact IT conferences you've been looking for!
We are inspired by the participants ❤️
Check out all our upcoming events at the

Upcoming events (4)

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