Hunger Games for Terrible People!!
Will you be the best pancake stacker? Will your chickens win the war for an island?! Can you harness the most stardust to make the best intergalactic coffee while avoiding space pirates?! Can you outduel other chefs as they place more "mystery meat" in their foods than your local McDonald's?!?!
Join me in this special Thanksgiving food variant of Terrible Games consisting of Fat Stacks, War for Chicken Island, Stardust Coffee, Rival Restaurants and possibly others!
No prior experience is needed. Feel free to bring drinks, snacks, food, guests, any party games and let's have a relaxed, good time 😎 We may order pizza from the nearby Vocelli's, Pizza Hut or Pizza Bolis if there is a group consensus for such.
I will also have Mortal Kombat 11 to play briefly in the beginning moments of game night.
Hunger Games for Terrible People!!