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What we’re about

Hi there & welcome to Gentle Jaunts.
This group is for anyone who enjoys the great outdoors and who wants to get fit while having fun. 
As the name suggests, we meet to do walks which are not too difficult and are conducted at a reasonable pace. The group is as much a social activity, as it is a form of exercise. We meet to enjoy others company, get exercise, visit interesting places, meet people and make like minded friends.
WALK DETAILS: A brief explanation of the route, distance, terrain and conditions, is provided for each walk. Read this information thoroughly and decide whether the walk is suitable for you. If you decide it is then RSVP "YES". Come prepared with suitable clothing, footwear and equipment for the walk. i.e. decide if you need boots and warm waterproof clothing, or sun block and plenty of drinking water. 
BREAKS/SNACKS: It will state in the details if you should bring a snack or whether we intend to stop off somewhere for a snack or a meal. Remember: It is your responsibility to come along properly equipped for each walk. If in doubt post a question in the comments area of that particular walk/event.
DOGS: Gentle Jaunts has always welcomed people who bring their dogs along. However occasionally a walk may visit grounds where dogs are not allowed, pass through a nature reserve or cross a field during lambing season. In these cases dogs are not permitted (details on the individual walk will advise). Dogs must be kept under proper, safe control. Neither the dog, nor the walker, should create a hazard or problem for others. 
MEETUP SUBSCRIPTION: Gentle Jaunts is a non-profit making group and the role of the organiser is purely to administer and facilitate the running of the group... therefore we ask members for a contribution to cover the cost of using the Meeup web site facility. This is a once a year request each September.
RSVP: If you know in advance that you cannot make it along to a walk which you have booked on for, please ensure you visit the Gentle Jaunts web page and change your RSVP to ‘NO’. This ensures that people on the waiting list have a chance to take your place. It's also wise to look out for emails from your event host for walks you have RSVPd "YES" to as plans may change or there may be vital information contained within them.
NOTE: We do not carry public liability insurance, and are not liable for any loss, damage or injury incurred during our activities. No outdoor activity can be completely safe and free from hazard. It is therefore your own responsibility to make a judgment as to whether you are able to safely take part in any of our walks or activities. 
SCOTTISH OUTDOOR ACCESS CODE: Members attending outdoor events agree to uphold the Scottish Outdoor Access Code -
Lastly, if what you've read above interests you then why not take a look at the walks/events currently listed and if there are any you'd like to join us on. It'd be great to have you with us.
Gentle Jaunts Group Organiser
Janet McLeod

Upcoming events (4+)

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