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Photo of graeme
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Graeme Walker (one of our members) is holding 'LIVE' Exploring Music afternoons. These afternoons are aimed at folk who enjoy music but would like to know a bit more about the composers, background etc. They're held once a month in 'The Edinburgh Society of Musicians'. The setting is amazing...a lovely drawing room overlooking the Dean Village.


## Details

This is an informal and sociable way to enjoy and learn about music for anybody who loves music, in the beautiful surroundings of the Edinburgh Society of Musicians premises overlooking the Dean Village.
In the first half I will talk about early jazz in New Orleans. So expect Scott Joplin, Jelly Roll Morton and Louis Armstrong and his Hot Fives and Sevens
Interval, a chance to chat over home baking and refreshments.
The second half will have live music on the Steinway from myself and guest pianists including Beethoven, Liszt and an Impressionist Magical Mystery Tour!
Arriving and social chat from 1.30 to 2pm.
There is ample opportunity to chat with other attendees beforehand and at the interval.
Home baking( I baked an apple sponge, lemon drizzle cake and brownies for previous ones) and refreshments are available pre-event start and at the interval.
The door at the left hand side of the building will be open, just come up the stairs.
####Entry Fee £10#### to cover the cost of the venue and the food and refreshments.
Please try to be at the venue and seated for when it starts promptly at 2pm.
The meetings before have been well attended and I have had very positive feedback.
Usually about twenty attend.
''Again a wonderful experience with music and history and humour. Thank you Graeme and to everyone who played on the superb piano - an afternoon of sheer enjoyment for myself and I am sure for all attending. Roll on the Feb meeting.''(Ivor)
''I have found the Exploring Music Meetups absolutely fantastic; I find myself looking forward to these events. I enjoy both how informative and creative they are. I really appreciate the live performances, they are a gift, especially at this time. Thanks Graeme and friends.'' ( Karen)
''I really enjoyed the experience! Perhaps links to some of the performances could be shared so we could listen to them again. The live performances were wonderful. You worked hard Graeme to create an interesting and varied programme. Thank you for that!!''( Laurie Ann)
"Looking forward to the next year of Exploring Music! Such an eclectic mix of music, audio, video and live music makes this a unique meet up for everyone who loves music and enjoys a lazy Sunday afternoon discovering new musical gems and gaining insights into the world of composers and performers Extremely convivial. Thank you Graeme" (Nicky)
"Graeme, Many thanks for another enjoyable Sunday meeting. From Sibelius to The Sound of Music to Miles Davis to Dina Shore to Chopin, it was all excellent.I am enjoying these Exploring Music afternoons, learning a lot about the composers and the contrasts in performances as well as meeting a very sociable group of people." (Patricia)

Photo of Gentle Jaunts group
Gentle Jaunts
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Edinburgh Society of Musicians
3 Belford Road, · Edinburgh, EH4 3BL
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15 spots left