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What we’re about

We are a group of beautiful open-minded women of all ages coming together to share our post-separation journey and support each other. We are here to transmute our pain into growth by consciously learning and applying new ways of being.

How do I know if this is for me?
- You are a woman over 25 years old
- You have experienced a breakup, separation, or divorce in the past 5 years or right now
- You are ready to grow, heal & learn from your experience
- You are ready to change your relationship patterns and your relationship with yourself
* It does not matter if you are currently single or in a relationship

** This group cannot support women who are in or who have come out of an abusive/traumatic relationship less than 2 years ago.

What does this look like?
We gather in small groups in a private home (groups of 10 to 12) for about 2 hours once or twice per month. Each circle is led by Anick, an experienced psychology lecturer, who will introduce the theme of the night.
Anick is the same person who is running Soul Searching Sisters- Women Circle Brisbane on Meetup. You can look at the review here. Or connect with her on Fb and Instagram.

What are the themes for the gathering?
Examples of the themes are; attachment, love language, setting boundaries, forgiveness, and betrayal.

Do I need to pay?
Some gatherings are free, some not. Some workshops, where we go a lot deeper into a topic (3-4h) with fewer women are often paid workshops.

What should I bring?
- your yoga mat (to sit on)
- a mug (if you want tea)
- a journal and pen (if you want to write your reflections)

To see all events before they are released and booked out: Connect with us on Fb and Instagram.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Lots of love,

Upcoming events (2)

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