(S) Ashmore Preserve- 2 lakes and a lookout
(S) Ashmore Preserve
7.5 miles
Approx eg 1100ft
9:00AM carpool at Publix University Square OR 9:30am main parking on Persimmon Ridge Road
This hike covers a majority of Ashmore preserve on trails and some gravel roads. On my pre-hike, the trails are exceptionally clear from the hurricane, however, there are three or four areas of trees to work around.
We will first venture towards Eva Chandler preserve and enjoy the views and a little stream. Along the way, we pass a waterfall. On the way back down we will go by lake Wattacoo and at the bottom we go to the lake off Civitan Camp rd. We will probably stop for snacks around the Lake Wattacoo area
Moving at a steady and (NOT SLOW) pace of 2-2.5mph pace
We leave University Square Publix parking lot promptly at 9:00am. Leave no trace!
Miles approx. 7.5 miles EG 1100ft
Leader: Terri Flaglor
Drive RT: 50 MI, $4.00 CASH carpool fee
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(S) Ashmore Preserve- 2 lakes and a lookout