Golang Meetup #6
Hosted By
Christopher H.
Hi Gophers!
The last event for this year is coming up in December.
We are still working out the final location and which talks we will hear.
We will start with a short introduction round and then we will listen to 2-3 short talks (~30 minutes each). Afterwards there will be time for discussion and general exchange.
Proposed topics:
- Games in Go with Ebitengine (Lukas)
- Iterators in Go 1.23 (Christopher)
- Bring your favorite package (everybody)
Further suggestions, spontaneous topics and discussions are of course welcome!
We want to create a safe and open community for as many participants as possible and adhere to the Go community code of conduct: https://golang.org/conduct
Gopher illustration by Ashley McNamara (https://github.com/ashleymcnamara/gophers)
Based on the original Gopher by Renee French
Golang Kiel
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networkteam GmbH
Kleiner Kuhberg 42 · Kiel, SH
Golang Meetup #6