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What we’re about

Welcome to the Symbolic Quest!

If you're interested in Spirituality, Analytical Psychology, Archetypes, Esotericism, Alchemy, Dreams, and all things Mystical from across the globe, this group is for you!

Our idea is simple: once a month, we'll gather around a candle to discuss a chosen symbol or archetype, in tune with the natural cycle of the year - this can be a tarot card linked to the current moon cycle and astrological sign, a mythological character, a deity, a fairy tale, or upcoming holidays of all spiritual traditions.

We may read some quotes, discuss dreams we've had about the chosen theme, share on how the archetype resonates in our lives, etc. It'll be freeform gatherings focused around a theme.

We're two friends who spend endless hours talking about symbols and archetypes, analysing every story we tell, movie we watch or dream we share, finding links in cultures all around the world. We realized that yearly traditions are often rooted in the natural cycles of our planet, and their stories can be read as symbolic expressions of the patterns of our shared human experience - the "collective unconscious".

Carl Jung, said "the biggest illness our modern society suffers from is a lack of meaning".

By sharing stories and exploring universal patterns, we'll expand our understanding of our inner and outer worlds together. This will allow you to dive deeper into your own personal mythology and symbolic world.

We think it's crucial to acknowledge the buried treasures we carry within ourselves and encourage each other to express them in our lives!

Looking forward to sharing our hero's journey with you! 💫

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