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What we’re about

This is a chance to speak Spanish, at any level. We will meet in the St. Roch Market, which allows speakers of different levels to coalesce at different tables. (Fluent speakers can have conversations at normal speed, beginners can quiz each other with flash cards and practice speaking slowly, etc.) Fun, informal, non-judgmental!

Esta es una oportunidad para hablar en español, a cualquier nivel. Nos reuniremos en el St. Roch Market, lo que permite que hablantes de distintos niveles se sienten juntos en distintas mesas. ¡Es divertido, informal y sin prejuicios!

PS! If you are interested in German, there is a German-speaking group that meets every Thursday at 6:30pm at Bratz Y'All in the Bywater.

Upcoming events (4+)

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