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High Intermediate Badminton Friday 7:15pm Holly St E8 3XW Hackney.

Photo of Sian Li
Hosted By
Sian L. and 3 others
High Intermediate Badminton Friday 7:15pm Holly St E8 3XW Hackney.


This event is for badminton players of high intermediate to advance level skills, or players with club or league experience. This club is not suitable for beginners, improvers or low intermediate.
Venue: Queensbridge Sports Centre E8 3XW.
2hours 40minutes feather shuttles. Cost £10
Pay: Zahra Ali
Sort: 60-83-71 Account: 47645380 select: Business Account
Please state your meetup name as payment reference to assist matching your payment. Thank you

This club is for players of high intermediate to advance level playing doubles badminton. You must have competent racket skills, good level of consistency, sound understanding of tactics and strategies, footwork skills and know how to rotate around your partner on court.
To maintain the quality of games, event spaces will be prioritised to players of advance level if / when there is a long waitlist. This also means there is possibility of players who already RSVP may be moved on to waitlist and admitted when spaces become available. This is to maintain competitive game standard and we appreciate your understanding on this matter.

Games may be arranged by organiser or by players mutually pairing evenly to ensure the games are competitive. Please be courteous to those waiting the longest. For more information please message EVENT HOST OR CO ORGANIZESRS.

Please RSVP in good time to avoid disappointment.
If your plans change, please update your RSVP to "NO" as soon as possible or not less than 24 hours. This would allow other members adequate notice to plan for attendance of any vacant spots. Cancellations less than 24 hours before the event or no show, will be charged the whole fee whether or not the slot was filled.

How to get to Queensbridge Sports Centre:
If you are driving, please avoid driving through any of the big wooden flower pots. You may get a fine if you drive through them. Please stick to the main Roads: Kingsland Road, Dalston Lane, Graham Road, Whiston Road, Queensbridge Road, and then Richmond Road then Holly Street.

Nearest over ground: Dalston Junction station and Haggerston station. Then 5 minutes walk. Buses; 30, 38, 56, 76, 149, 236, 242, 243, 277 all stops are within 10 minutes walk. Parking is free on Weekends outside the sport centre on Holly street and adjacent streets. Parking Restrictions are Mon-Fri 8.30am-6.30pm

Your are responsible for your own health and safety. Please ensure you have appropriate sports wear and stretch / warm up before play. This club is not responsible for any injuries or broken rackets that may arise from play. You are reminded to keep your belongings safe as the club is not responsible for any lost or damaged property.

We may take videos or images during the session. By joining this event, you grant HBC permission to take videos or images and to use them in any media including, without limitation, in printed publications, presentations, promotional material or online, in their original format or edited or altered in any way.
Thank you for your support.

Photo of Hackney Badminton Club group
Hackney Badminton Club
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Every week on Friday

Queensbridge Sports And Community Centre
30 Holly Street, Hackney, E8 3XW · London
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14 spots left