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What we’re about

Social group for adults to connect with other like minded adults in a safe and positive way. Events include meetings at coffee shops, walks/hikes, restaurants, socials, game nights. Note- recognizable profile pic and real name are required to join.

Fee- $5 membership fee must be paid PRIOR TO APPROVAL. No other annual fee!

Send fee to: [email protected] If unpaid after 5 days join request will be deleted. Why a $5 membership fee? The group is charged twice yearly fees by

RSVP Policy - If you sign up for an event and can't attend you must cancel the RSVP ASAP. No shows will be red flagged and repeated instances will result in removal from the group.

Event attendance: Attending an event without signing up is discouraged. Time and effort goes into planning events, as well as making reservations. Repeated occurrences could result in removal from the group.