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What we’re about

This is a space for us to form an organic community for Black folk from across the diaspora, indigenous people, and people of color of different backgrounds. Ideally, Hartford in Color will come to serve as one answer to the question "Who are your people?".

This will be an open and affirming community. People of all gender expressions and sexual identities are enthusiastically welcome. Anyone 21+ is welcome. As we develop a schedule, I will work to make sure we incorporate lots of activities that are financially, physically, and geographically accessible to as many participants as possible. There are so many dope low-cost/ no-cost activities in the City and County that this shouldn't be difficult.

I do not have a product to sell, or a business to promote. I want us to cultivate a space for us to be whole people first - not employees or customers or vendors - with recognizable, often overlapping, cultural experiences. 

- Dwayne