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What we’re about

We meet EVERY week, at the Hastings Public Library. 5:30 to 6:50. MONDAYS
(watch for holidays though when public libraries are often closed or closing earlier than usual) (additionally, the librarians have asked me to note that this is not an official library activity and is not part of their programming events)

It is a meetup at the village library, completely free, and with no specific requirements!!
If you have ever played chess and enjoyed it win or lose, then please join us.
Bring a board, pieces, and a friendly attitude.
Email us at [email protected] with any questions.
Not the most original chess name... but the Hudson Fish was taken way back in 1982 by the Hastings Elementary School club.
during summer, we often play right outside, in the front picnic tables on the grass overlooking the river, the city, the train station... No end time, since its outside the library.
IF ITS REALLY HOT, we might be inside the library. read below for regular winter location inside the library.
IF IT LOOKS like RAIN, we might be located outside the library on their front patio, with small round metal tables. Not ideal for a chess board and clock...
Hope to see you there.

5:30 to 6:50 pm we play inside the library, in a back corner room with big glass windows looking in all directions. When the weather is nice, Stu usually continues to play with the light of a battery lantern, for another hour or so, outside in the front area of the library (picnic tables and concrete chess boards)

Its been a nice meetup for 8 years now...    usually 5 people show up....   as few as 3 of course, and once we had 12 people at once....     Hope you can make it over to the library and see if it is a nice fit for your chess habit....    -Jeremy

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