Sunday Morning Sharing hour (w coffee and donuts)
We meet in room 208 starting about 8:45 am, and Mark usually has coffee, tea and donuts waiting.
Tricia will be leading us again, for summer and fall, and sends these notes...
The next book study is called Fresh Expressions of Church and it will be a short, light study we will do for the rest of the summer. The blurb on the back of the book:
"In the last decade, a giant cultural wave has swept the North American church into a brand new world—a pluralistic, complicated, high-tech/low-touch world. Faced with the challenge of engaging a jaded culture, a fresh expression of church has emerged alongside the traditional church. This short book gives an overview of the Fresh Expressions movement and its innovative approach to reaching those who would perhaps never come to our church buildings."
Once school starts, we will begin Adam Hamilton's study called "Enough"…Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity.
Today (7/10) we talked a bit about change and how it affects us. Does it cause you anxiety or make you excited? Probably a bit of both. But know, that God's love is unchanging and is with you always.
Every week on Sunday
Sunday Morning Sharing hour (w coffee and donuts)