"The Sun, Moon, and Ascendant" An Astrology Workshop with Rob Stewart
This workshop is being held in the "Journey Room."
Rob Stewart from Inner Center Astrology in Portsmouth, NH, is returning this year to teach his workshop series. If you haven't had a chance to participate in one of his workshops, this is your chance to check it out!
The Sun, Moon, and Ascendant:
The moment of your birth provides deep insight into the essencse of who you are. The Sun, Moon, and Ascendant provide guidance related to your
soul's intention for your human expression, emotional needs, and your
instinctual nature. In this workshop, we'll cover the basics of what the
"Big Three" truly mean according to their sign, house, and degree.
You will learn how to read the basics of a birth chart,
and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others.
About Rob:
I feel the most valuable astrology reading helps you validate your deeper experiences in your life. It reminds you of the gentleness at the essence of who you are. We are taught at a young age to disregard our intuitions and set aside our sensitivities. I believe these unique self-expressions are our greatest gifts. Astrology helps bring more self-awareness and self-compassion and realign ourselves with the natural flow of life.
There are no prerequisites for this workshop. Participants are encouraged to submit their birth information (date, place, time) before you come
the workshop. It would be optimal to have your exact birth time available
(documented on your birth certificate) but not necessary.
You can get your birth chart at the following website:
[www.astro.com](Get your birth Chart)
Pre-Registration is required:
Venmo, Paypal:
*www.venmo.com: Tanji Samson @heartsonghealing
"The Sun, Moon, and Ascendant" An Astrology Workshop with Rob Stewart