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What we’re about

Heathens United is a Faith based group that focuses on community building and Faith based services. 

We have Blóts, Sumbels and Fainings, host Moots, and many other events.

This group is family friendly. Family is a very important part of Heathenry, so please keep this in mind when posting pictures and messages.

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This Meetup is brought to you by Vör Forn Siðr.

VFS is a Reconstruction oriented Heathen Church that seeks to create and serve Heathen Community, build Heathen Infrastructure, combat Heathen related ignorance and make a more authentic Heathenry available to the public.

VFS believes that Heathenry is a system of belief that is available to all people who are willing to adopt the Heathen Worldview, learn the Lore and worship in an authentic fashion.

We're committed to non-discriminatory practices. We welcome all as long as they keep the Frith.

We believe that people of all mind sets can lay aside their differences, whether they believe that they feel drawn by blood or they are drawn to the faith by any other way and come together to further the Faith and worship together in Frith.

VFS has purchased a property in Georgia and with volunteers from the local Community we have built a Ve, Horgr, and have begun renovation on a Hall. In the future we seek to build a Hof, a festival site and other Heathen infrastructure.

We plan on creating chapters in communities that lack such services, these chapters will be headed by Jarls which will represent VFS in their local community and work to replicate our success in their area.

VFS is currently looking for people who are looking to get involved in building local community, hosting events, performing rituals and much more.

If you are interested in applying for a position in the organization, Starting a local chapter. Hosting events, attending one of our events or would like to ask some questions, please email us at [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

We also encourage you to join our community forum over on Facebook at and chat with the community!