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What we’re about

Welcome! The goal of this group is to share experiences and challenges, find support, provide support to others within the group, and grow together. My preference is that the meetup takes place (if possible) in the nature. Grounding is a very important part of every healing process, it helps us to establish a deeper connection with our essence and inner knowing. In addition deep breathing exercises in the nature provide our organs with high amounts of oxygen and helps us to get a clear mind. During the meetings you will find a safe place to open your mind and heart, and receive impulses and inspiration not only from me but also from every member of the group. Key words are: respect, safety, confidentiality, honesty, kindness, empathy, openness, good sense of humor (laughing, even during very difficult situations, helps us to get a change in perspective that most of the time brings brilliant solutions with it).

My name is Miriam, I am a life and business coach, change expert (organisations, groups, individuals), reiki-practitioner with 24 years experience. I would love to share my learnings, and life/work experiences with you, and I encourage every member of the group to do the same, then in life we are all teachers and students at the same time.

I speak German, English, Spanish fluently. People from all around the globe are welcome to join.