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Let's Get Started!

Photo of Susan Schwartz
Hosted By
Susan S.


Whether you’re a previvor, survivor, family member, or friend, this is a space where we come together to share experiences, enjoy activities, and build friendships. Our meetups are all about creating joy, laughter, and a sense of community as we navigate life with hereditary cancer. Let’s connect, have fun, and thrive together!

Join me for a first gathering! This event will focus on getting to know each other, brainstorming activities for fun, learning, advocacy, support and more! Whether you want to share experiences, make new friends, or lend some ideas, come ready to relax, laugh, and start building a supportive community together!

Location will be in the West Chester area and TBD depending on RSVPs. Suggestions welcome :)

I am a nurse recently diagnosed with MSH6 Lynch Syndrome and hope to use my knowledge and training to support others with hereditary cancers.

Photo of Hereditary Cancer Heroes and Sheroes Living Life group
Hereditary Cancer Heroes and Sheroes Living Life
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