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Board Game Night (The Slow and Steady) [BOOKING REQUIRED]

Photo of Gary Chappell
Hosted By
Gary C. and David H.
Board Game Night (The Slow and Steady) [BOOKING REQUIRED]


We're going to organise a social for the Hike Oxfordshire walking group in the upstairs room of the Slow and Steady (formerly The White House).

Booking is *required* so we can plan the number of tables and the games we're going to bring to teach on the night. We'll start with medium strategy and bring some party games for later. Please arrive at 7pm for a 7:15pm start so we can put you into groups and teach the games.

Non-Ramblers members are welcome and are able to attend 3 walks or events before joining the Ramblers organization.

Photo of Hike Oxfordshire (Ramblers) group
Hike Oxfordshire (Ramblers)
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Slow and Steady
38 Abingdon Rd, Oxford OX1 4PD · Oxford
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