- Sunday Reset Sound Bath **Online & Free**Link visible for attendees
Join Kari online for this amazing sound bath experience.
Zoom link: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/83799821245?pwd=Y2ZRAuaUQZxhnA6h09QaxSQNiVgSbC.1Relax into the Sunday evening sound bath experience. Reset yourself for the work/school week ahead.
This sound bath is best experienced with headphones (not earbuds). Or you can just sit within the sounds from your phone or computer. Adjust your volume accordingly.
Be prepared to relax and allow the sounds of the crystal bowls to wash over and through you. Relaxing your nervous system.
Please get comfortable and cozy before the sound bath begins. Plan to arrive on time to get the maximum benefit.Kari will keep the time so you can just relax into your night as the zoom meeting ends.
All cameras and chat will be turned off for the safety and privacy of all.