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A horse taught me this!

Photo of Julie K
Hosted By
Julie K.
A horse taught me this!


When i got my first two horsss at age 32. I was so excited. I’d only wanted them since I was 3 yo. I said to myself I’m doing this right. training them right. 2 years later, i realized they were actually training me To be my best self. Focused, kind, assertive, present, clear…they taught me about dichotomy and holding polar opposites…they taught me a lot in the last 20 years. This event is simply to soend time with horses and let the magic happen. Things will unfold in a perfect way. Come join myself and the herd for some horse time.
*please consider giving a donation for this time with the horses 🙏

Photo of Horses and Humans Meetup Group group
Horses and Humans Meetup Group
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Empowering Equus
1025 Hart rd · Pisgah Forest , NC
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