Schedule an Exploratory Meeting near you!
Did you know that 87% of the USA cannot or does not prefer to learn from reading?
Would you like to experience how to biblically build community where even Athiests, Non-Literate and the Blind can participate together? The Way where disciples multiply disciples?
Are you interested in learning more about the organic Way given by Christ? Consider inviting us to your home or local venue for an initial relaxed, no frills experience with Q&A discussion with others.
"For the hopeful skeptic, earnest seeker, wounded or nomadic child of God we want to be a safe place..."
This is open to all who want to pursue God so include You, your family, friends and neighbors.
(Note: If you are a "Christian" and have broken fellowship with other Christians, because you want to be in control, please first repent then go and reconcile with those you tried to Lord over before contacting us. For those in a "leadership" position that have "excersized authority" over others, please do the same. Thank you.)
Your home or other local venue to you.
If held in your home everyone brings enough for their own tribe and we share at the meeting. Then there is enough hospitality for all without planning allowing participants to keep their focus on God.
We typically are available on Sunday's 5PM for this. If you have another time, during the week perhaps, that you can gather a group, we want to accomodate. Let's colloborate on putting it together.
If you are interested in hosting an initial informational session, Text or Call Rick at 704.253.3177 or email [email protected]
submerged in grace,
rick & marcie
Since the month of his 33rd birthday, Rick became an always apprentice of Jesus the Christ. He is a redeemed Orality Biblical Storyteller, has been Ministering for a decade and a half and teaches God's Word God's Way which means he gets out of the way and is happy doing his part as part of the body of Christ where Jesus alone is manifestly Lord. He will not ask for money or try to get you into some sacred building on a certain day as he has always worked for a living and has degrees in Management, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Technology and a Masters in Divinity from a highly recognized seminary.
Every 2nd Sunday of the month
Schedule an Exploratory Meeting near you!