Yule Party - celebrating the Wizarding Olympics ⚡️
Come celebrate the end of the Wizarding Olympics!
Wear your Wizarding Party finest robes/clothes or represent in your Wizarding Olympics uniform!
We’ll celebrate winners, participants, and spectators alike as well as acknowledging and celebrating the fostering of international cooperation and cultural exchange.
Please bring a food item and/or beverage item to share with attendees!
Optional: We’ll have our traditional gift exchange. If you would like to participate, please bring an HP gift valued at $15 -$20.
Optional: We will host our traditional ornament exchange. If you would like to participate, please bring an HP themed ornament valued at $10-15 for our ornament exchange.
Cost is $10/ person to cover the cost of the Club House rental.
Yule Party - celebrating the Wizarding Olympics ⚡️