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Photo of Allison Fairchild
Hosted By
Allison F.


Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of life.
~ Rachel Carson

I am offering a *FREE* 4-week exploration of mindfulness practice in nature for everyone - whether you are brand new to mindfulness practice, or whether you already have a mindfulness practice - you are absolutely welcome.

The dates are: SUNDAY, 9/1, 9/8, 9/15, and 9/22/24.

Ok, Allison, I'll take a free meditation course! But, why are you holding this outside? Well, I often practice outside because there is something about letting myself just be out there in all that beauty and space that really deepens my attention. And, also because apparently it's not just a "me" thing!

According to UC Berkeley Professor Dacher Keltner, human beings have a biological need for "wild awe." (Awe, The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How it Can Transform Your Life, pp. 126-127.) Opening our senses to "nature lead[s] to awe-related vagus nerve activation and reduce[s] fight-or-flight cardiovascular response, blood pressure, cortisol, and inflammation." (Id., p. 127.) Also, in case you didn't already know, according to the Stanford Brain Performance Center, it has also been shown that the following happy chemicals "rise" during meditation: dopamine (the neurotransmitter of pleasure); serotonin (the neurotransmitter of happiness); and GABA (the neurotransmitter of calmness). Ok!? Are we all in yet?

But, wait, will that be weird? Well, come on now - it's Berkeley! Also, we'll be together, and it will simply look like a group of wise women being wise enough not to care what others think. :)

WHAT TO EXPECT: After a brief standing grounding/arriving meditation and a short check-in from everyone, I will offer a minimal, focused talk on the following topics (one per week): mindfulness of body; mindfulness of sound and sight; self-compassion; and, gratitude. As a group, we will then take a short, easy walk around Jewel Lake (about 1 mile). Please note that this will not be an exercise type walk, but a mindfulness based type walk.


  • Dress appropriate to the weather, i.e., layer up ladies;
  • walking shoes for a dirt trail;
  • water;
  • something to sit on - a towel is fine.

WARNING: We will be sitting on the ground for up to 45 minutes, so if you need a camp chair or a cushion, then by all means, take care of yourself. There will be a 10-minute potty break before the walk, so you can drop your chair/cushion off at your car.

YOUR TEACHER: Allison Fairchild is a practicing Theravada Buddhist, and has been practicing mindfulness and meditation for 25 years with the wise guidance of both lay and monastic teachers. She has sat many silent retreats at Spirit Rock Meditation Center over the years, and was lucky enough to practice for two months in Bodh Gaya and Sarnath, India in 2006, and for two weeks at Dharma Drum Mountain World Center in Taiwan in 2013. Currently, Allison is a student in Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach's 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program ("MMTCP"), and this 4-week course is being offered as part of the required teaching practicum as that course draws to a close.

Photo of Finding Female Friends >50® | San Francisco Bay Area group
Finding Female Friends >50® | San Francisco Bay Area
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