What we’re about
Geo-hikes is open to hikers, geologists and geology students. Newsletter https://tdavisgeo.substack.com/
It's for anyone interested in learning a little geology while hiking and backpacking.
Visit Events\Calendar\Past on the Meetup page for the last few years for a quick appreciation, with photos, of Geo-hikes events, the TDAVISGEO's Newsletter at substack.com, and Youtube videos:
Crooked Creek, White Mtns: https://4142298.xyz/Geo-hikes/events/261057991/
Santa Cruz Island: https://4142298.xyz/Geo-hikes/events/260807872/
Deep Canyon and Santa Rosa Mtns: https://4142298.xyz/Geo-hikes/events/258848834/
Hikers, do you want to learn a bit of field geology and map reading skills while hiking, and sometimes camping in the western USA? Interested in participating in Geo-hikes and trips to scenic, and sometimes remote, locations? Want to learn about the fascinating history of the earth at these locations while on the move? If yes, then events hosted and led by the Geologic Maps Foundation might be of interest to you. Plus, the participants meet others with similar interests while getting great exercise. You do not have to be a geologist to attend but an eagerness to learn some basic geology and map reading skills are a must.
Professional geologists can share their knowledge and experiences (as co-leaders) with geology students and non-geologists while exercising and returning to, for many, why they got into geology in the first place.
Geology students (at any level) will gain field experience, an opportunity to interact and make contacts with professional geologists that could be helpful in the future, and with lots of outdoors exercise in interesting geologic settings.
There are a number of geo-hikes scheduled for the 2023 season and more will be added. "Spreading the word" about these events is most appreciated. Interaction of professional geologists and geology students with hikers, that are not geologists, informs the public about geology and its importance.
Most of the Geo-hikes events and courses are free while a few are fund-raisers and require a donation to cover expenses and operating costs for the longer trips. The Foundation is a tax-exempt nonprofit ,IRS 501 (3) (C), with a scientific educational and research focus. Donations are tax deductible and go towards the expenses of the event and the operating cost of the Foundation.
Geo-hikes also organize and lead customized geologic field trips for professional organizations and companies to various areas in the western US and Baja California. Trips are great educational and team building experiences. Please email us at: [email protected] for more information about the customized trips.
For more info on the Geologic Maps Foundation: http://geologicmapsfo...
Upcoming events (4)
See all- Sri Lanka’s underappreciated geologic asset: developing its natural gas resourcePoinsettia Pavilion, Ventura, CA
Early announcement for an in-person presentation by Thom Davis at the Coast Geological Society monthly meeting in Ventura, California. Talk is scheduled for the evening of December 17, 2024. Additional information on how to register will be provided soon on this page and sent out to Geo-hikes members. You don't have to be a Coast Geological member to attend, or be a geologist.
Presentation Preview:
Sri Lanka’s underappreciated geologic asset: developing its natural gas resources will overcome its economic crisis, provide energy security, and lower CO2 emissions
Thomas L. Davis and Amila Sandaruwan RatnayakeFor now, Sri Lanka’s severe economic crisis seems to be in remission. Many challenges still confront the government and population, from a substantial national debt to affording imported energy. Sri Lanka is not alone, many nations, economically developed and developing, now face unsustainable debt levels and energy insecurity (uncertainty in availability and affordability). Historically, debts are inflated away, renegotiated, or defaulted on. Nations with no in-country energy production and inflation risk are at energy-insecurity double-jeopardy. It is better to pay off a national debt by developing an in-country resource, natural or human. Sri Lanka has such a resource, although unknown to many: offshore are discovered yet undeveloped natural gas fields and potential for additional discoveries. Development of Sri Lanka’s discovered gas fields, returning exploration, and changing the energy sector from oil- and coal-based to natural gas is economically viable and desirable, assuming sustainable and responsible development. Key benefits include alleviating its debt, providing a secure, inexpensive, and reliable energy source for decades, and reducing its CO2 emissions to meet its international obligations in manner that does not economically deprive its population.
LInks to our 2024 published articles on Sri Lanka:
Aug. 12, 2024, Oil and Gas Journal, https://www.ogj.com/exploration-development/article/55131910/sr
July 27, 2024, The Diplomat, https://thediplomat.com/2024/07/sri-lankas-underappreciated-asset-offshore-lng/
July 22, 2024, GEOExPro, https://geoexpro.com/returning-exploration-to-sri-lanka/