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What we’re about

Welcome to Human Hearted Sydney. 
We’ve changed our name to Human Hearted Sydney  - we’re still the same community.

We are a supportive, inclusive community of people with shared values in the Sydney metropolitan area. We are founded on the principle of human hearted connection and compassion to support each other in solving life’s problems. More about human heartedness here or here

We are a local community of Humanists Australia. Humanism is more than just a 'lack of religious belief', its a positive life stance. Human heartedness is a humanistic approach to living a better life.

All are welcome to participate in our human hearted community of practice and our other in-person events and projects to learn, connect and contribute to a flourishing world.

We look forward to seeing you at our next event!

Note: Attendees at our events are expected to adhere to the Humanists Australia Code of Conduct. We do not allow harassment of any kind, or promotion of any goods, services or groups unrelated to humanism (except by prior permission of the organisers).

Unless stated otherwise membership of Humanists Australia is not required to attend our events. We want to serve the broad Sydney community. Nonetheless we would be grateful if you chose to make a donation to sustain Humanists Australia which would help it to continue delivering events that serve the community in Sydney.

Upcoming events (4+)

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