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What we’re about

Humanism is about being a good human and living a satisfying life, without the need for religion. It's more than just a 'lack of religious belief'. Humanism won't tell you exactly what to believe or how to behave, but we think working those things out is important to living a good life, and working them out is better done (and more fun) in a community.

Humanists Central Melbourne (Naarm) welcomes anyone to this Meetup who is humanist or is interested in humanist friendships, discussions, shared projects, and/or learning about humanism. We're all about diversity and totally accepting of everyone's personal beliefs, including if those come from religion or spirituality, just as long as conversations are kept open, respectful and welcoming for all.

At this stage we're offering a mix of social times, learning and informal discussions. We're open to opportunities for community helping, and maybe some humanist activism too if there is interest. Where this group goes and what it does will be very much up to the members.

We are a Community of Humanists Australia, and those who come to our Meetups are asked to adhere to the Humanists Australia Code of Conduct ( We do not allow harassment of any kind, or promotion of any goods, services or groups unrelated to humanism (except by prior permission of the organisers).