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What we’re about

A monthly, in-person book club for those interested in Jane Austen. We have made our way through her major works together and will generally cycle through these types of works moving forward:
-read a work by Jane Austen (eg. her novels, letters, and juvenilia)
-read a book about Jane Austen (biographies, literary criticism, etc.)
-read a work Jane Austen read herself (works by Walter Scott, Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, Mary Wollstonecraft, etc.)
-read a work by someone who read Jane Austen (works by the Brontes, George Eliot, Mary Shelley, Dickens, Elizabeth Gaskell, Virginia Woolf, etc.)
-read a work of popular culture inspired by Jane Austen (sequels written by Jane Austen's distant relative, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife, etc.)

We will also meet to watch film adaptations, and enjoy other events connected to Jane Austen and the Regency period.

Upcoming events (3)

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