AI in Education "Improving Social Emotional Learning and Mathematics through AI"
AI in Education: "Improving Social Emotional Learning and Mathematics through AI-enabled Tutoring" - Bev Woolf, Univ. of Massachusetts
How are you feeling? Improving Social Emotional Learning through AI-powered Tutoring
Emotion has a substantial influence on learning, attention, memory, and problem solving. This talk describes artificial intelligence tools that are designed to detect emotion, provide one-on-one assistance during online learning, and adjust their responses to each student's learning level.
In these AI-powered tutoring systems, the generated problems are customized with the goal of motivating students and advancing learning. Inferences about student knowledge are derived from predictive learning models by observing the students' faces, gestures, and emotions. The system can make decisions about the next best intervention (e.g., provide video, reduce difficulty of math problem).
These tutoring systems can:
1. Perform continuous assessment and sleuth the students'
responses to address student performance and emotion in real-time.
2. Create computer-generated synthetic partners and personalized video
content. For example, the tools will shortly be able to generate special computational characters. These generated characters may perhaps work more efficiently
than do human tutors.
3. Create avatars to answer student queries, provide explanations,
assist in problem solving and teach about social awareness and
relationship skills.
Cross-modal generative AI will provide ChatGPT-4 responses including hints, explanations, data-driven insights and recommendations. Understanding the role that emotions play in learning and teaching has supported the design and deployment of more effective online tools and learning experiences. This talk will identify the differential impact of AI tutors on student achievement, self-efficacy, and social emotional learning.
Dr. Beverly Woolf is a Research Professor in the College of Information and Computer Sciences, UMass-Amherst. Her team has worked with hundreds of students and dozens of teachers to evaluate online K12 teaching platforms. The team has developed tutors for education and industry and in a variety of disciplines (e.g., chemistry, psychology, and mathematics). Dr. Woolf published the book "Building Intelligent Interactive Tutors," over 250 articles and was lead author on the NSF report Roadmap to Education Technology in which forty experts and visionaries identified the next big computing ideas for education. Dr. Woolf is a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and served as PI on numerous NSF and U.S. Dept. of Education awards.
Date: Thursday December 5, 2024, 8:00 PM EDT
(Note: Refreshments and networking start early - 7:30 PM.)
Place: HYBRID MEETING (both in-person and online)
In Person: Princeton University Computer Science Building
Small Auditorium, Room CS 105
35 Olden Street, Princeton NJ
How to register for the online meeting:
Send email to PrincetonACM {AT} gmail {DOT} com
OR Register on (
Zoom link:
(Or go to, use meeting number 85850627343 and passcode - 120524)
On-line meeting notice:
Princeton ACM / IEEE Computer Society meetings for the 2024-25 season will be "hybrid." You have a choice: attend the talk in-person, or view the meeting online from home. To join the online, you must register in advance, and you will receive an email with instructions for how to connect to the talk.
A pre-meeting dinner is held at 5:45 p.m. at Applebee's (3330 US 1, Lawrenceville, near Quakerbridge Mall). Please send email to PrincetonACM {AT} gmail {DOT} com in advance if you plan to attend the dinner.
All Princeton ACM / IEEE Computer Society meetings are open to the public. Students and their parents are welcome. There is no admission charge, and refreshments are served.
Future Princeton ACM/ IEEE Computer Society Meetings
Thursday Jan. 16, 2025 - TBA
Thursday Feb. 20 - Computer Music, Andrea Salgian, The College of New Jersey
Saturday Mar. 15 - ISEC 2025 (Integrated STEM Education Conference): see for full information
Thursday Mar. 20 - Fun with π (Pi): A Potpourri of Pilish Algorithms, Mike Keith
Saturday Mar. 29 - Trenton Computer Festival - TCF 2025 (at College of New Jersey): see for full information
Thursday Apr. 17 - TBA
Tuesday May 6 - TBA
Thursday Jun. 12 - Annual Elections and Planning Meeting
AI in Education "Improving Social Emotional Learning and Mathematics through AI"