What we’re about
Do you make video games? Are you a developer, graphic artist, student or entrepreneur working in or looking to enter the video game industry? Then join us at our monthly meetings and network with your fellow developers.
Join our community on Discord: discord.gg/igdalasvegas
If you can't attend a meeting or want to review a presentation, subscribe to our YouTube channel: youtube.com/channel/UCRlCrY-JCUBnj8hMfGKRaAg
Admission is free and all are welcome to attend. The International Game Developers' Association (IGDA) is the largest professional organization of game developers in the world. The IGDA offers a variety of programs and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) related to all aspects of professional game development. The IGDA was even the original creator of the Global Game Jam! Membership in the IGDA is NOT required for any IGDA Las Vegas (IGDA LV) events, though it is recommended. There are a variety of benefits to being an IGDA member, such as discounted cost on professional game engines and industry events, beyond the global professional network itself. Join today!
Follow us on Twitter for relevant updates: twitter.com/IGDALV
IGDA Las Vegas page for formal members of the IGDA: igda.org/lasvegas
IGDA Las Vegas Facebook page: facebook.com/IGDALV