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Long-Form Narrative Improv Workshop and Showcase

Photo of Shane
Hosted By
Shane .
Long-Form Narrative Improv Workshop and Showcase


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The Improv Community of Eindhoven presents an improvisational theater workshop and showcase about long-form narrative improv, taught by Kevin Miller.

You feel comfortable creating an improvised scene that lasts for five minutes. What if the scene were 30 minutes, or an hour? In this workshop, Kevin Miller introduces you to the rich artform of long-form narrative improv. Starting from your short-form improv experience, you’ll learn how to connect the dots and produce a story longer and richer than you’ve ever made before. At the end of the workshop, you'll perform in a showcase on stage in your very own improvised play.

Who is Kevin Miller? Kevin Miller performed and taught improv in Austin, Texas for over 20 years. In 2020, he moved to Amsterdam to live with his wife and practice his Dutch. Kevin has teaching experience around the world, from Alaska to Finland to South Africa. He is also the creator and producer of PowerPints, the PowerPoint-based comedy show.

The workshop takes place on Saturday 08 March from 11:00-18:00. The location is Pand P (Leenderweg 65, 5614 HL Eindhoven) Kleine Zaal. The cost of the workshop is €60. The showcase will take place the same evening, in the Pand P Middenzaal from 20:00-21:00. The improvised show As Seen on TV, also directed by Kevin Miller, will follow the showcase.

It is open to improvisers who have at least 1 year of experience (though exceptions can be made).

The Improv Community of Eindhoven can provide financial assistance to a limited number of participants in need. If this is you, please email us. You can also email us if you have any questions. Our contact is: [email protected].

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Photo of English Improv Theater in Eindhoven group
English Improv Theater in Eindhoven
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Pand P
Leenderweg 65 · Eindhoven
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