What we’re about
Are you an experienced improviser looking to practice and potentially start a new ensemble in Frankfurt? Then join Carte Blanche English Improv!
To get things going, we'll start by meeting for regular practice/jam sessions led, in rotation, by different group members. If we feel that its fun and going somewhere, we can then explore setting up an ensemble that will play regular shows for the large English-speaking community in Frankfurt.
About the organizer
My name is Julian and I work in marketing, communications, and events. I have been taking improv classes for the past two years, until recently in Zürich (in English) and currently also in FFM (in German). Together with fellow members I met at the Zürich courses, I founded the Milquetoast Improv Ensemble. But unfortunately I left Zürich soon after and therefore couldn't play much with them.
Now back in my hometown Franki, I would love to get back into English improv and kickstart a group that will play amazing shows!
Who can join?
Because these are member-led sessions without a teacher, it wouldn't make sense for people to join who are completely new to improv. You should have some improv classes under your belt and be familiar with the most important concepts (yes and, game of the scene, endowments, character building, etc.) Ideally, you might also have some on-stage experience, for example during improv course showcases.
However, you don't need to be an improv professional or native English speaker, I am no Johnstone or Shakespeare either :)
I love associative formats (such as Armando Diaz or La Ronde), but am also open to explore narrative long-form styles. It could be interesting to play around with exercises and show formats that lean less into comedy and more into experimental theater (like The Herald), avoiding to always go for the "quick laugh". These are just ideas, the direction we take will of course be decided upon by the entire group together.
Why English? Why Frankfurt?
Does this sound fun but you'd rather play in German? I am a native German speaker and would generally also be open to do this auf Deutsch. However, playing in English is more inclusive and there are already quite a few German groups in the region. But, to my knowledge, there is no English ensemble in Frankfurt playing regular shows. In such an international city, this is an interesting gap to get into!
If this sounds like your kind of fun, send me a message, either here on Meetup or via Email: [email protected]