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What we’re about

“Being a writer is a very peculiar sort of job: It’s always you versus a blank sheet of paper (or a blank screen) and quite often the blank piece of paper wins.” — Neil Gaiman

We welcome anyone who's thinking about self-publishing or who has already self-published in any genre anywhere, from Wattpad to Amazon to Nook and beyond!

Writing can be a lonely business, especially when you're publishing all by yourself as well. This is the opportunity to share ideas on marketing and promotion, to discuss different areas of self-publishing and tools which can help, to ask questions about the nitty-gritty of being an indie author and, most importantly, to have a friendly, informal chat over a drink or two with like-minded people.

We meet on the first Tuesday of every month in central Edinburgh.

Sometimes we'll focus on specific topics as requested by members of the group and sometimes we'll have a general discussion on all matters of self-publishing. We're a friendly bunch and thrilled to have anyone along regardless of where you are in your self-publishing journey.

If you're interested in keeping up to date with events to do with writing and sharing ideas/asking questions and you've already attended at least one in-person meeting, you can join our WhatsApp group here