Ft. Ben. Week Close-out/Sunday Afternoon/Nite Hike/Run/Trot/Amble
Ft. Ben Trails (including the asphalt circuit and the sledding hill on those occasions when trails are soaked) are a marvelous training resource. OFF-TRAIL hikes will increase while the foliage is leaf-less.
Meet near the REDDICK SHELTER at 4:10pm; departure 10 mins later.
Hikes generally run 2mph and 2 HOURS, but are circumstance-responsive. A pint/hour of WATER is always a good idea.
RAIN OR SHINE. Sleet & Snow. Lightness, darkness, whatever. If the trails are gooey, we may hike off-trail or hit the asphalt or the sledding hill. BRING A FLASHLIGHT in the winter months, as we'll likely finish after dark.
PARK ENTRY FEE/PERMIT REQUIRED. If you'd like to arrange a carpool from the gate (or from Triton Brewery), saving the $7 State Park fee, post a Comment.
PRE-BEER: For those in the habit, a fine pre-hike beverage may be had at Triton Brewery (5764 Wheeler Road). Triton also makes a fine place to gather post-hike, for a POST-BEER, as does Jockamo's Pizza and La Hacienda.
PURPOSE: whatever you want. Running, ambling, nursing a nagging hip, testing new boots/rain gear/snow cleats, heart-rate training, pack questions, hiking questions, running questions, Indiana trail(s) questions, dealing with rain -- OR!!! Simply gliding along in the woods with the fellowship of fellow humans... IT'S ALL GOOD.
RSVPs: Keep yours up-to-date, always. We mean it. Bad ju-ju befalls those who take up a limited-supply slot. Don't be rude.
Every week on Sunday until January 12, 2025
Ft. Ben. Week Close-out/Sunday Afternoon/Nite Hike/Run/Trot/Amble