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English Debate: Living close to nature - what does it mean?

Photo of Tobias
Hosted By
Tobias and Nancy M.
English Debate: Living close to nature - what does it mean?


The debate topic for Dec 3:
Living Close to Nature - What Does This Mean?

Living close to nature means different things to different people.

For some, it is about living in the countryside, away from city noise and pollution. This could be, staying on a farm or in a small village surrounded by trees and fields. For others, it means living in harmony with the environment—using resources wisely and not harming the Earth.

Spending more time outdoors can be another meaning. This includes activities like hiking, camping, or simply walking in parks with fine vegetation or even animals, farmed or wild. It means enjoying fresh air, listening to birds, and feeling the sunshine. It's about appreciating the beauty of the natural world around us.

Reducing the use of modern technology can also be included in it. Use less electricity, grow your own food, and choose natural materials instead of plastic. Focus on living a simpler life.

In the current state of this busy world, many feel disconnected from nature. Living close to nature can help us feel more relaxed and happy. It can improve our health and well-being.

However, it can also be challenging because it might mean giving up some modern comforts.

So, what does living close to nature mean to you? And is it something we should all aim for, or is it needlessly glorified?

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