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Friday coffee morning


International House Leuven organizes a coffee morning for those of you who like to chat and meet some friendly (new) faces. It's also a good place to ask questions, get answers and find out about what’s happening in Leuven. Our coffee morning is what you make it. So pop in and out whenever you like, see who is there, and say hi!

We meet every two weeks on Friday morning, usually at the International House Leuven itself although we tour coffee houses occasionally as well. More on that below.

Who's "we"? Well it varies a bit, but our regular hosts the IH staff members Natalie and/or Anna. Generally we're anything between 5 to 20 participants, a nice mix of regulars and new folks. And we have room for more!

The practicalities:

  • the coffee morning goes from 10:30 until noon. Feel free to pop in and out at any point, no need to stay the entire time if that doesn't suit your own timing
  • we offer coffee, tea and water. You’re very welcome to bring your own drink as well as our coffee machine is a barista’s nightmare :-)
  • we usually meet at the International House Leuven. If we do decide to go someplace else, we notify participants via Facebook, MeetUp and via the WhatsApp group....
  • ... feel free to join the whatsapp group ( so you can keep up to date with venue changes and other last minute things.
  • walk-ins are very welcome too!

Hope to see you at the Friday coffee morning!

PS: If you're keen to host one of the coffee mornings with us, possibly at another time of the week, let us know!

Photo of Internationals and expats in Leuven (by International House) group
Internationals and expats in Leuven (by International House)
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