What we’re about
It's a Wonderful Lie! is a live comedy game show hosted by Sam Taha. Each show, our rotating panel of cunning comedians will compete in rounds of trivia, off-the-cuff bluffs, and lie quizzes, but with a twist, It's Survival of the Fibbest, and only the most mischievous Munchhausen will avoid elimination and win the game.
It's a Farcical Festival of Fibbication that is like a mix of 'Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me', and 'After Midnight', with a dash of Big Potato Games, and a side of the host's accent that everyone thinks is just another big lie.
So **leave your Shakira hips at home, and come join a fun game night of hijinks, laughter, audience participation, cheeky prizes, and ZERO pyramid scheme jokes — even though the host is Egyptian.**to games, and a side of the host's accent that everyone thinks is just another big lie.
So leave your Shakira hips at home, and come join us in a fun game night of hijinks, laughter, audience participation, cheeky prizes, and ZERO pyramid scheme jokes — even though the host is Egyptian.
Next show is going to be at Geeky Teas & Games in Burbank! SOO Excited!
Tickets and More Info here.