

We organize hiking, walking, travel and other events.

Disclaimer and Important Notes for Participation

- We are amateur organizer and not professional guide nor tour operator nor tour agent, and we have never been to most places we plan to go (knowledge from internet research only). Even though we receive participation fee, it is for planning and organizing only, not for guiding or rescuing, since we are not trained nor have skill to do so. Some of our events include dangerous activities depend on your condition and might cause injury if not carefully perform, please check your own condition and be responsible for your own safety when deciding to participate in any events.

- Please check your own condition before participating in any events and be responsible for your own safety during the activities so that you won't cause troubles to other fellow participants and organizer, nor obstruct the smoothness of the event. For example, when climbing mountain, please do research about the mountain level and check your ability to before deciding to join.

- By participating in any events, you are agree to release us for any liabilities during any incidents. During the activities, you are liable if you cause injury to third parties.

- By participating in any events, you are agree to follow the original plan decided by us, if you need to change your plan due to your own reason, you have to arrange required logistic, e.g. transportation, by yourself.

- Important information will be shared in LINE Group created for each events. Please read carefully the Group Notes. We are not responsible if you miss any information shared in the LINE Group. Please learn how to check LINE Group Notes.




当活動は野外で行う為、危険がつきものであることを認識・承諾した上でお申込み下さい。 当グループは参加者への危険を最小限にする為の安全対策を行います。但し、参加者にとって活動中の危険や事故が無いことを保証するものではございません。また、万が一事故が生じた場合、当グループに対し、一切の責任追及をしないものとし、参加者が第三者に与えた損害に対しては、参加者が責任をもって保証していただきます。


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