
Kyoto Nihongo Club (Trial Rounds)

Goro Shimanoの写真
Hosted By
Goro S.
Kyoto Nihongo Club (Trial Rounds)


Welcome to our first event series, Kyoto Nihongo Club!

It's an almost-weekly, casual and practical conversation event for Japanese learners, those who want:

– To know how to introduce yourself in Japanese.
– To keep the small talk going on in Japanese.
– To learn more natural Japanese pronunciation fluently.
– To use your Japanese vocabulary and idioms in the actual conversation.
– To make new friends with whom you can share tips for improving each other's Japanese skills. :)

We also welcome native Japanese speakers who want to join our international community. You can maintain or even polish your English skills by helping Japanese learners with grammar and understanding of Japanese culture and history.

All levels of Japanese and English speakers are welcome. We try to keep the conversation in Japanese. However, English is always our standard tool to complement your understanding/explanation of the Japanese language and culture, so don't'' feel any pressure on your language skills.

I dream of creating an international community where both new and local people in Kyoto feel comfortable being together. We all love learning about different cultures.

I am very new to Kyoto, having moved here in October. It is my first time living in western Japan, so I'm pretty much the same as you, whether you're a tourist or have just moved here.

So please join us, and let's give it a go. I'll try to schedule it for the weekends so you can easily find time.

I'm'' looking forward to seeing you all at the next event!

The organiser of
Kyoto Multicultural Meetup

P.s. The contribution fee for the trial rounds is free. When we have more attendees at the events regularly, we will start collecting small contributions (like 100-300 yen) to cover a part of the organising cost on Meetup.com, which they have doubled lately. It won't'' happen in a few months, anyway. ;)










Photo of Kyoto Multicultural Meetup group
Kyoto Multicultural Meetup
Stumptown Coffee Roasters
1st floor, Ace Hotel, 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo Ward · Kyoto
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location