- NPO Foreign Women's Association Paruyon provides safe spaces for foreign women to get together, share their experiences of living in Japan, make friends, and just talk in a relaxed setting. Let’s meet from all around Japan, online via Zoom.
Is there anything you would like to ask about life in Japan? Or would you just like to have a chat and make new friends?
This meeting is for you. We speak English and Japanese in this meeting.
THIS MEETING IS FOR WOMEN ONLY. Non-binary people are welcome to our meetings.
Build a network of friends from around the world. Strengthen your support system or exchange cultural insights.
Japanese women who want to support foreign women are also welcome to join but the number of Japanese participants may be limited. Thank you for your understanding.
Number of participants: up to 20
外国人(がいこくじん)女性(じょせい)のための 何(なん)でも しゃべれる会(かい)です。困(こ)っていることは ありますか。日本(にほん)について 聞(き)きたいことは ありますか。また、最近(さいきん)の楽(たの)しかったことについて話(はな)したいですか。一緒(いっしょ)に 話(はな)して、考(かんが)えましょう。新(あたら)しい友(とも)だちをつくりましょう。
日本語(にほんご)と英語(えいご)を 話(はな)します。