国際交流パーティー 🎉「Hard Rock Cafe」INTERNATIONAL PARTY (桜木町・みなとみらい)
Liven up your work week by joining our monthly After Work International Party at Hard Rock Cafe Yokohama (Minato Mirai).
Make some new friends while forgetting about work. Meet internationally minded business / non-business people of all ages from various countries. Plus, it is a good chance to speak English or Japanese and other foreign Languages.
Its Ok to come alone and most people do. Its a good chance to practice your Japanese with some locals too.
一人でもOK!ほとんどの人は一人で参加されます。英語やその他の言語を話せるチャンス! このような国際交流パーティーに初めて来る方が沢山いらっしゃいます。
ALL drinks & cocktails are 500yen during the party.
We have requested that music be low enough to not interfere with speaking.
This party is held by Japan's largest international language exchange websites ( GetStudents.net / SenseiNavi.com ) and attracts a wide variety of people of all ages and nationalities. Everyone (over 20) is welcome so please join us and bring your friends. Its a good chance for you to practice your Japanese too.
このパーティーは日本最大のインターナショナル言語交換サイトGetStudents.net / SenseiNavi.com 主催で、年齢や人種関係なく様々な出会いにつながるイベントです。二十歳以上なら誰でもウェルカム!一人でも、友達と一緒でもぜひお気軽にご参加ください。
There are also some tasty specials during the party from the Hard Rock Kitchen. Chips and salsa, Chicken fingers w/ BBQ sauce, Refried Bean Tortillas, Seasoned French Fries & more. (all 500 yen)
尚、パーティー開催中 は、特別フードメニューのチキンフィンガー・フレンチフライ・インゲン豆のトルティーヤ・ナッツなどのサイドディッシュも各500円です!!!
How much / いくらですか?:
日本人女性 / Japanese Females 1000 Yen円
日本人男性 / Japanese Males 1500 Yen円
外国人 / Foreigners 1000 Yen円
Closest Station / Minatomirai Station (1 min)
最寄り駅 / みなとみらい駅 (徒歩1分)
4 min from JR Sakuragicho
桜木町駅 (徒歩4分)
Map / 地図:
Queen's Tower A
The special party prices last until 9 but the party usually continues until 9:30 or 10 with regular prices.
"Hope to have some chips and Salsa with you!"
Josh Ryan (ジョシュ ライアン)
[email protected]
https://www.SenseiNavi.com(英会話先生や外国語の先生を紹介) (https://www.SenseiNavi.com)
Every 4th Thursday of the month
国際交流パーティー 🎉「Hard Rock Cafe」INTERNATIONAL PARTY (桜木町・みなとみらい)