Time for Bōnenkai!
Bōnenkai (忘年会) literally means "forget-the-year gathering." It is a year-end Japanese drinking party held among co-workers or friends. The purpose of the party, as its name implies, is to forget the woes and troubles of the past year, usually by consumption of large amounts of alcohol! We will use it as a reason to get together and have fun! Drinking is optional.
The event will be held at Organizer Scott's home. It is a potluck. We will eat, drink, sing karaoke, and have a white elephant gift exchange!!! So come, cast your worries of the past year to the wind and have a fun-filled evening with us!!!
Details: Bring a dish to share and/or your favorite beverage. We will use YouTube as our music source. If you intend to sing, send me a message with links to your song(s) on YouTube. Just click Scott W and then click the Send email link with a link to your songs. Pick songs that have lyrics and an interesting video! Pop, classic, country, English, Japanese, Spanish, anything! There are millions of song options on YouTube! You can send up to 3 links. The White Elephant gift exchange is optional. It is fun though, so bring a gift to exchange. We'll do a limit of $15 for the gift. Bring something fun, or something you got for Christmas last year that you want to re-gift! ;-) Anything works! The party starts at 6PM.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there! 楽しみに‼‼