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Humanist Perspectives: Civics for Adults - Amendment 1 of the Constitution

Photo of Tom Kellogg
Hosted By
Tom K.
Humanist Perspectives: Civics for Adults - Amendment 1 of the Constitution


Civics for Adults - Exploring The First Amendment of the Constitution. We'll watch several short videos on it, then lead a discussion on Amendment 1.

The First Amendment addresses several fundamental freedoms, especially the separation of church and state, although it is very obscure. Other freedoms include freedom of the press, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the right to petition. We sure had some amazing founders although some people disagree on how the amendment is interpreted and if Trump is elected, he promises to do away it. Here is all of Amendment 1, plain and simple.

Amendment I: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances".

Civics for Adults is a new semi-regular series of Humanist Perspectives
with other Civics topics in future sessions

Humanist Perspectives is a combined monthly program with JH and the Secular Hub on the third Saturday at 4:00 pm. Come to the Hub to see the show, with discussions. Feel free to BYOB (beer and wine are OK) or an appetizer to share.
The Jefferson Humanists and Secular Hub Chapters of the American Humanist Association are very pleased to offer a regular exploration series on 3rd Saturdays, 4 to 6 pm. Each session will be slightly different and include several segments to showcase aspects of Humanism through a presentation, videos, movies, forums and explorations, followed by discussions. We will include time for participants to socialize and get acquainted, in keeping with our chapters' goal of building community.
We need your help to tell us what topics you'd like to see explored at upcoming Humanist Perspectives programs. Which past presentations did you like that we can expand on? Maybe you've seen some good Humanist videos to show. We are also looking for people to get involved with HP and help put presentations together as well as co-host sessions. Email [email protected] with your thoughts.

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Jefferson Humanists
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254 Knox Ct · Denver, CO
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