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Mr. Happy's Hash

Photo of Empty Hasher
Hosted By
Empty H.


We're a drinking club with a running problem. This is a placeholder event so newbies can find us. We usually have 10-40+ people at events but since everyone shows up regularly no one RSVP's on meetup. All the real details are at

Hashing is based on an old game call hares and hounds, where the hare leads the trail and the hounds follow the trail, trying to snare the hare. Hashing's "based on" because we do this but with beer and debauchery. There are no rules, only guidelines. More information can be found wherever you find such things, like

Mr. Happy's hash is every Wednesday starting at 7:00pm. This is a pickup hash so we roll for hare (you don't have to but it's encouraged). Since trails are not planned, they are A to A and vary in length. Walkers and runners are welcome. Tell us the internet made you come.

Photo of jHavelina H3, Mr. Happy's, Honey Badgers and Pedals Bash group
jHavelina H3, Mr. Happy's, Honey Badgers and Pedals Bash
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