Ask an organizer about our Slack group if you'd like to attend. We share a Zoom link in Slack just before the meeting starts. Thanks!
Book Club (for those interested, feel free to listen in):
Designing Data-Intensive Applications by Martin Kleppman -
Chapter 8, up to page 287.
We'll wrap up the meeting around 7:20 pm and the focus will switch over to a book club discussion for the last 30 minutes or so.
Meeting Overview:
Tonight will be a series of lightning talks from anyone interested in speaking, so bring a topic along if you'd like! These can range from just a couple of minutes to up to 15 (or more if you need it). The format doesn't have to be very formal and people can use whichever tools they'd like to present. Be that just a verbal explanation, a slide show, or a demonstration.
If you're interested in speaking let me know and we'll be sure to slot you in!
General Agenda:
6:00 pm MT - Welcome and setup
6:05 - Start the Meeting
7:20 - Wrap up discussion and begin book club
7:50 - Close for the night
Meeting tools:
Kalispell Software Crafters is dedicated to a harassment-free experience for everyone. Be that at an event or within our Slack community. Our anti-harassment policy can be found at: