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What we’re about

Kansai Artists and Designers Collective is a group for artists and designers based in the Kansai region of Japan. We come together to engage in creative activities such as drawing and painting.

Our group consists of members who are interested in various forms of artistic expression. Talented individuals in fields such as painting, illustration, sculpture, and design gather here. We share and inspire each other with our artworks and ideas, striving to pursue better art.

We regularly organize group events where members have the opportunity to participate in activities such as drawing sessions, art exhibitions, and workshops. We also invite external artists and designers to give lectures and conduct workshops.

If you reside in the Kansai region and have an interest in art and design, we invite you to join our group. Kansai Artists and Designers Collective can be a wonderful community for those seeking new friends and inspiration.

Upcoming events

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