12th & Baltimore History Meetup
Join us for lunch at Strang Chef Collective and a brief introduction to what was once the location of a vibrant theater district packed with luxury hotels in the heart of the city. We will start our meet on the site of the Hotel Baltimore (demolished 1940- Present day Lightwell Building) and talk about the Pompeian Room, an internationally renowned Roman themed nightclub that hosted some of the greatest stars of the vaudeville and silent film eras. From Lightwell there will be a short walk to the Kansas City Public Library to view a collection of photography by Orval Hixon, a celebrity photographer in the early 20th century that had multiple studios in downtown Kansas City. Newcomers will also be introduced to the Missouri Valley Room, the best source for guidance and resources in all things Kansas City (Missouri) history. Visual and digital resources can be provided for further interest. Meetup guests pay own for lunch and parking (Parking available at Lightwell as well as the Kansas City Public Library).
12th & Baltimore History Meetup