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What we’re about

The purpose of the group is to discuss philosophical theories and to understand the participates' views. Then, to 1st think in-depth about Philosophy of Mind.
For one example is the mind-body problem (or Dualism):
* Why does consciousness exist? Can it only be created by neuroscientific processes? * Can an experience be non-physical if it's caused by something physical?

* Per Nagel, an individual knows directly from experience of what something "is like." So, we shouldn't have to *prove* consciousness.

* A very important philosophical question: what is consciousness.

We can also discuss consciousness about propositions. Some of these are our higher-order thoughts and intentions to think rationally (or deductively). So, they're directly
related to the Mind.

  • Some neuroscientists might see single neurons as reflecting binary values in these propositional thoughts. E.g., the thought: 'I am a woman who lives in Kirkland' is either true or false." But the T/F phrase makes this thought higher-order.

P.S. As of now, you can join if you've read about some of the basic questions I've mentioned in some dept. or similar questions. Thanks for the interest.
