The Nomad Campfire: A Zikr for a traveling spiritualty
Zikr means the Sufi Ceremony of the Remembrance of God, a traditional ecstatic practice of the Sufis.
We are doing Zikr Allah mostly. This is what causes the drunkenness Rumi refers to so frequently.
Sometimes we do a bit of Kirtan, sometimes a bit of the Words of Jesus in Aramaic, sometimes other things.
God is One and can be approached from any direction.
No tightness, no dogma, no "you have to be a certain way."
The people come because it allows an emotional reset, a coming to essence, a true sharing with both Allah and your fellow singers.
It is a remedy for living in troubled times. We don't want to leave one another at the end.
There is an in-person meeting every Wednesday at 7:00 at the Light Upon Light Sufi Center. You can also attend by Zoom.
We read Rumi aloud in the breaks between singing. His poems speak of the states brought about by zikr, and of the Path of the Heart.
To attend: send an email to Hakim at [email protected] and ask to be sent the link and address for the meeting.
Every week on Wednesday
The Nomad Campfire: A Zikr for a traveling spiritualty