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Seoul Night Go

Charles Yg의 사진
Hosted By
Charles Y.
Seoul Night Go

세부 정보

The CES go club is a Go club in Seoul. We play every 2nd Sundays and last Tuesday of the month at the Fairtrade Hyehwa café. There are no fees. All levels are accepted so beginners are more than welcomed to join !
We usually pair beginners with experienced players to learn fast about this game. We often finish the event with a dinner together.
For more info, you can DM on IG: https://www.instagram.com/seoul_ces_go?igsh=Y2w0eXdwdzU5Z202&utm_source=qr

Photo of CES Go Seoul group
CES Go Seoul
더 많은 이벤트 보기
Fairtrade Café, Séoul Hyehwa
Jongro-gu Dongsung-gil, 142, · Seoul
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location